About Us
Upcycle and recycle
Fine furniture flipping & more
will refinish and add new life to home owner pre-existing pieces for a fraction of purchasing new.
covering Dover & York area in PA
Our Products
High-Quality Items at Significant Savings

Dixie Belle Chalk Paint
At Re-tique-lady, we offer a wide selection of products from Dixie Belle Paint Company. I can get other items upon request.
Complete Projects
Re-tique-lady provides quality, upcycled Furniture. Our selection is vast and our prices are unbeatable. No matter your style and taste, we have something for you! The trends we feature will turn you into the talk of the town, so check out our Furniture and shop today for value.

DIY Corner
We have a wide selection of items that are in need of TLC. Buy them as is or let's talk about what you want me to do to them.
Past Projects
At Re-tique-lady, we relish the projects that we have completed that have went on to new owners. Browse the past projects to get ideas for potential pieces.